Biggest Lifts (And Other Stuff Too!) You Missed, 6/17/15 Edition

Biggest Lifts (And Other Stuff Too!) You Missed, 6/17/15 Edition

Jun 18, 2015 by Armen Hammer
Biggest Lifts (And Other Stuff Too!) You Missed, 6/17/15 Edition
There's just too much happening on social media these days. Luckily for you, we don't have anything else to do all day. Here are the biggest lifts (and other stuff too!) you missed, 6/17/15 edition.

Ilya Ilyin sets a land speed record. With training for Rio ramping up, Ilya is back to showing us why he's one of the greatest weightlifters of all time. Here he is power jerking 385 for 5. Seriously, the craziest thing about this is that he's using straps with a clean grip and doesn't break his wrists. Ilya 2016: I Believe.

Rich Froning sure sweats a lot. On a recent track outing for some sunbathing and slow jogging, Rich Froning decided to show us just how much sweat one of his socks collected. I get it, he's the reigning Fittest on Earth, he's won the CrossFit Games 4 times in a row, and I guess he's a handsome dude but does that make this okay:

Definitely not my boy, Spates.

Sam Briggs is back to lifting heavy-ish which is a good thing because, hey there's this competition thing happening in about a month...Happily she's feeling better. 2015 has been a rough season between her back injury and her foot injury, and it's good to see her getting a little bit of time to get her legs back under her leading into the big show.

My guess would be there's a bright side to this, that her limited training over the past month or so has had a positive effect on her fitness due to letting her entire body recover a bit.

Dan Green's called the Boss for a reason. One of those reasons is that he literally wears a singlet every day and no one will call him out on it. Another reason is that he's strong like ox. He's currently prepping for the big Boss of Bosses 2 meet and says this beltless 584x5 safety bar squat has him finally "feeling strong again". I guess when you're a world record holder and one of the strongest dudes on the planet, "strong" gets relative real quick.

There you have it, the biggest lifts and other awesome stuff you missed from 6/16/15. If you're falling behind, check out the previous installments:

The Biggest Lifts You Missed, 6/16/15 Edition
The Biggest Lifts You Missed, 6/15/15 Edition