Andrew Shapiro Is Better At Pull-ups Than You'll Ever Be

Andrew Shapiro Is Better At Pull-ups Than You'll Ever Be

Seventeen-year-old Andrew Shapiro is just like any other High School junior except for one small, tiny little thing: he holds the World Record for most amou

May 19, 2016 by Armen Hammer
Andrew Shapiro Is Better At Pull-ups Than You'll Ever Be
Seventeen-year-old Andrew Shapiro is just like any other High School junior except for one small, tiny little thing: he holds the World Record for most amount of pull-ups in 6, 12, and 24 hour periods. How many pull-ups are we talking about?

Shapiro did 7,306 pull-ups in 24 hours, shattering the old record of 6,800 around the 15-hour mark. According to BroBible, he completed 3,515 pull-ups in 6 hours and 5,742 pull-ups in 12 hours, both of which are also World Records.