Greg Glassman On 60 Minutes: The King of CrossFit

Greg Glassman On 60 Minutes: The King of CrossFit

CrossFit's founder Greg Glassman speaks to CBS's 60 Minutes about the business of CrossFit, his beliefs about its efficacy and safety, and just how far he's willing to go to defend it.

Aug 30, 2017 by Armen Hammer
Greg Glassman On 60 Minutes: The King of CrossFit
In a segment from a couple years ago, CBS's 60 Minutes interviewed CrossFit's founder and then CEO Greg Glassman. While those of us who have been in the CrossFit world for a while know a lot about Glassman, his views, and his personality, the truth is that he's very much a hands-off figure in the day-to-day training of most CrossFitters around the world.

King of CrossFit by cbsnews

"What if someone led a cult and they didn't know they were?"

In the interview, Glassman talks about his devotion to protecting the CrossFit brand, his attitude towards being told what to do ("I don't mind being told what to do, I just won't do it"), and how he feels about traditional exercise science. He's never one to mince his words, and he doesn't hold back when talking about the safety and efficacy of deadlifts for 60 and 70 year olds, and how dangerous sitting is compared to CrossFit.

Overall, if you don't know who Greg Glassman is, this is a pretty good intro to his character, mindset, and attitude. As he said it himself, their business model is about doing the right things for the right reasons for the right people. 

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