2017 Reebok CrossFit Games

Dave Castro Picks Peak Froning Over Fraser For The Win

Dave Castro Picks Peak Froning Over Fraser For The Win

Dave Castro takes a side on the Froning versus Fraser debate on his most recent Reddit AMA.

Aug 25, 2017 by Armen Hammer
Dave Castro Picks Peak Froning Over Fraser For The Win
Last night, Dave Castro held an AMA on Reddit. During the AMA -- which stands for "Ask Me Anything" -- Castro was asked about a lot of topics. Here are some of the most interesting questions and answers.

[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BX9aJZglDCB/?taken-by=thedavecastro" hide_caption="0"]

Castro Is Happy With Madison, Wisconsin, As The Home of the Games

Question: Anything you weren't 100 percent pleased with and will change for next year?

Castro's answer: The things I was not pleased with included internal things, related to our team and stuff we/I did wrong. But the venue, the city everything was great. Very happy with Madison and how it turned out.

The Assault Banger Didn't Go As Planned

Q: What was your reaction to so many athletes dragging the block on the Assault Banger? The workout was clearly not being done as designed and the judges seemed unsure of what to do about it.

A: Good question, not happy about it.

Future Games Athletes Will Blow Our Minds

Q: Do people have to do things like free handstand push-ups or full planche?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you think the athletes have reached a border where there is not much room to improve or do we see the same magic happen in another 10 years and laugh about the stuff we do now?

A: Yes, we will continue to be baffled by what they can do and where they push the ceiling.

Froning Vs. Fraser

Q: Prime Froning vs. Fraser. Who wins?

A: Froning.

Regionals 2018

Q: Rumour has it that there is going to be a change [to regionals], either to the way the regions are split, or to the entire process. Can you, a) give us a hint of what's going to change, or b) tell us if it's still being discussed?

A: Still in development, can't give too much away now on this topic.

Is Rich Paid By HQ To Go Team?

Q: A friend of mine who claims to have inside knowledge swears to me that Rich Froning gets paid money to compete in the team competition. Can you confirm this?

A: Rich is not paid by us to compete in the team competition. If I had my way, he would have never left the individual competition and over the course of the past few years we would have witnessed epic battles between he and Fraser. But I don't have my way.

What's Up With Froning VS. Fraser?

Q: When do you think or what would it take for the Froning vs. Fraser talk to end?

A: It will never end, nor do I believe it should. If people didn't 'what if' it and weren't passionate about it, it would mean our sport sucked. That they do, that there is interest in that topic, it's part of the great sport we have created.

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