Happy Birthday Chad Vaughn
Happy Birthday Chad Vaughn
In honor of his birthday, we put together training videos, and our exclusive FloFilm.
Happy birthday to 2x Olympian and 9x National Champion, Chad Vaughn!
In honor of his 40th birthday today, we dug up one of our original FloFilms, “Chad Vaughn: Adding Fuel To The Fire” and some training and technique videos. Grab a piece of birthday cake and check them out!
Chad Vaughn: Adding Fuel to the Fire
"It was natural for me to be on the platform and make lifts."
From humble beginnings and being born with a club foot, Chad Vaughn knew he was meant for more. He trained to eliminate all weakness and ensure success in the sport he was passionate about.
Training & Technique
High Hang Clean Exercises
Chad Vaughn simplistically breaks down the movements in the high hang clean: tension, transition, and extension. Starting with a relaxed bar set-up, Chad demonstrates the powerful extension an athlete should exhibit in order to make a successful lift.
Squat Positioning
Chad Vaughn explains that a perfect squat should have a tight back, deep squat position, with your feet shoulder width apart, and toes slightly turned out. If you're not where you should be positioning wise, due to mobility issues, you can practice with your heels elevated on weights. You can slowly progress into less elevation as you see improvement. Work towards getting your feet straighter in your squat, which will prepare you for a successful clean and snatch- it will be a better position to land in over time.
Front Squats
Chad Vaughn teaches three aspects that should always be present in your lifts and squatting positions: flexibility, comfortability, and strength. An athlete should be relaxed enough in the bottom of any squat to be able to have a conversation as they hold heavy weight.
Front Squats with Straps
Chad Vaughn shows how to utilize straps in order to gain comfortability and mobility in your front rack position. As he's taught in previous technique videos, your support position should be more relaxed than anything, providing for a bigger base in which to stabilize the bar. Keeping the straps on, elbows up and in, and hands relaxed, you can practice this movement in order to strengthen your front rack.
Moving a Barbell with Intention
Chad Vaughn speaks on moving a barbell with intention at the Wodapalooza Experience Stage with Jessica Lucero. They share methods that they teach within PowerMonkey Fitness Camps, and provide insight on how to focus through a lift.
For more information about camp registration and information, check out www.powermonkeycamp.com.
...Oh yeah… remember that time he did “Grace” at 315#?
Happy Birthday Chad Vaughn!
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