Aleksey Lovchev Tries Strongman With 187kg/412lb Log Clean & Jerk

Aleksey Lovchev Tries Strongman With 187kg/412lb Log Clean & Jerk

Russia's Aleksey Lovchev hits a beautiful 187kg/412lb log clean & jerk.

May 12, 2017 by Armen Hammer
Aleksey Lovchev Tries Strongman With 187kg/412lb Log Clean & Jerk
Aleksey Lovchev is one of the strongest men on Earth, and he set a brief World Record clean & jerk at the 2015 IWF World Championships before getting popped and having his lift removed from the record. But just because he's out of the weightlifting scene while serving his sanction doesn't mean he's out of the strength game. He's been training some strongman implements lately, included the log clean & jerk. Here he is hitting 187kg/412lb on the log:

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Lovchev's 187kg lift isn't anywhere near Eddie Hall's 216kg axle press world record or Zydrunas Savickas' 228kg log clean & press world record, but it is impressive for a man who has likely only been training with the implement for a few months at most.

I doubt Lovchev would move into competing in Strongman, but it's certainly exciting to see him lifting odd objects and learning new ways to apply his incredible strength.