Wodapalooza Miami 2015

Bianca Blair The Surprise Leader in Wodapalooza Qualifiers

Bianca Blair The Surprise Leader in Wodapalooza Qualifiers

Oct 9, 2014 by Joe Battaglia
Bianca Blair The Surprise Leader in Wodapalooza Qualifiers

By Lauryn Lax

Week 2 of the Wodapalooza Online Qualifier is in full swing for the 4th annual fitness festival of the year, hosted directly on the bay in South Miami, Florida.

Wodapalooza has become one of the most competitive and highly-anticipated fitness competitions amongst athletes in the fitness community. This year, over 1200 athletes registered to compete in the 3-week Online Qualifier to be one of 120 spots (male/female) in both the RX and Elite divisions, outside of already-invited athletes.

This past week, several top athletes continue to hold their own atop the leaderboard to ensure an Elite-division spot, some of these including 2014 South East Regional competitors, Bianca Blair and Lauren Truszkowski, and men, Marcelo Bruno (from Latin America) and two-time South East Regional competitor, Aaron Hanna.

The first two weeks of WODs have been diverse, testing all modes of fitness.

Returning Elite athlete Bianca Blair from the 2014 Wodapalooza competition said she is surprised she is still at the very top of the leaderboard for the second week in a row.
During week 1, Blair pushed 205 lbs. over her head four times.

"My Jerk max was 200 lbs. I did WOD 1 and got 195 lbs for 4. They felt really easy but I went into WOD 2 which was a 10 minute Amrap of 95# 3 power clean, 3 hang squat cleans, 3 thrusters and 30 double unders, I went out way too fast and only got a little over 7 rounds," Blair said. "I was pretty disappointed so my coach told me to redo the Wod the next day. So the next day, Sunday, I went into the gym alone and did the Wod. I actually P.R'd and I got 205 lbs. for 4 reps. Obviously 200 lbs, or 205 lbs. is not my P.R anymore... but I went right into Wod 2 and I got 8 rounds + 3 (I think that's right). I think I got a better score because my Coach simply told me to redo the workout and I knew I could do better."

Last year, Blair was the ‘rookie’ in the Elite division of the competition. In fact, Wodapalooza was the former collegiate track athlete’s first-ever fitness competition, prior to placing 18th at the 2014 South East CrossFit Regional.

This year, she is looking to place higher in both competitions—using Wodapalooza as a good training grounds for the upcoming 2015 CrossFit Open.

“I do have goals to place higher this year in all my competitions—specifically the top five at Wodapalooza. I have hired a coach, Max El-Hag, and I am looking to see the difference in my performance and see how much I have developed. I also want to go into Wodapalooza with more confidence and I hope to not freak out if an ocean swim shows up this year, like I did last year! I will approach it with a positive and competitive mindset. All in all, I work hard, so I aim high. And of course, above all, I want to have fun,” Blair said.

One more week remains in the Qualifier for Wodapalooza, and the final two weekly workouts will be released tomorrow evening (Wednesday) at 8 p.m. EST.

SIDE BAR (If don’t link to wodapalooza websit):
During Week 1, the WODs included:
4 Rep Max
Shoulder to Overhead

*2 minute clock to complete the set


9 Minute AMRAP

3 Power Cleans

3 Hang Squat Cleans

3 Thrusters

30 Double-Unders

As for Week 2, the WODs were:
Complete AMRAP in 10 minutes:

Min 0:00 - 10:00
21 - Snatches (95, 65)
21 - Toes to Bar
15 - Snatches (135, 85)
15 - Toes to Bar
9 - Snatches (165, 105)
9 - Toes to Bar
6 - Snatches (185, 115)
6 - Toes to Bar
3 - Snatches (205, 125)
* as many Toes to Bar as possible with remaining time

Complete AMRAP in 7 minutes:
Min 10:00 - 17:00
3 - Calories Row
3 - Lateral Burpees over the Rower
6 - Calories Row
6 - Lateral Burpees over the Rower
9 - Calories Row
9 - Lateral Burpees over the Rower
15 - Calories Row
15 - Lateral Burpees over the Rower
21 - Calories Row
21 - Lateral Burpees over the Rower

* if one round is complete in under 7 minutes, begin a new round with the 3,3