The Granite Games

2015 Kill Cliff Granite Games Qualifier Announcements

2015 Kill Cliff Granite Games Qualifier Announcements

Jun 18, 2015 by Kati Breazeal
2015 Kill Cliff Granite Games Qualifier Announcements

The 2015 Kill Cliff Granite Games is fast approaching, and with the commencement of the online qualifier, pre-season has arrived. Each Wednesday night at 7 PM CDT, a new workout will be released, challenging athletes to see who has what it takes to make it to St. Cloud. We'll keep you updated on all the workout announcements here. 

Week 1: Qualifier Workout 15.1

Workout 15.1 will be a test that separates the boys from the men (and girls/ladies, of course). An AMRAP of burpees and hang squat cleans will be no easy task, mimicking a similar grueling format of the Open workout 15.5. At first look, these movements may not appear so challenging, but after 7 minutes of squatting and burpees, you're going to feel the burn. More than anything, an athlete's mental fortitude and endurance will be tested, distinguishing the prepared athletes from the amateurs, early on. 

Video By: The Granite Games

10 Minute AMRAP 
5 Hang Squat Cleans (155/105) 
7 Bar Facing Burpees 

Masters 40-44
Men use 155 lbs. 
Women use 105 lbs. 

Masters 45-49
Men use 135 lbs. 
Women use 95 lbs. 

Masters 50+
Men use 115 lbs. 
Women use 75 lbs. 

Men use 115 lbs. 
Women use 75 lbs. 

Week 2: Qualifier Workout 15.2

After completing 15.2, it's going to be totally normal to feel like you're substituting 100# weights for arms. This workout is forearm instensive, and will truly push the athlete way past their comfort zone, forcing them to perform under grueling grip pain as they complete the 8 minute AMRAP of double unders, C2Bs, and TTBs. If that wasn't enough, get ready to hit a PR snatch after the arm-AMRAP from hell!

Video By: The Granite Games
6 Minute AMRAP
1 Rep max Snatch 

8 Minute AMRAP
30 Double Unders 
15 Chest To Bar Pull Ups 
30 Double Unders 
15 Toes To Bar 

6 Minute AMRAP
1 Rep Max Snatch
Week 3: Qualifier Workout 15.3

Not sure if you're a strength or endurance athlete? Well, you're about to find out. This workout is not for the weak of heart, and will test the engine of every athlete competing. The key to finishing this WOD (alive) will be to make sure you don't gun it out of the gate, but keep a steady, consistant pace that ensures your heart rate doesn't spike, and you have enough in the tank to make it through 17 full minutes. 

Video By: The Granite Games 

17 Minute AMRAP 
50 Calorie Row 
50 Wall Ball Shots (20#/10ft., 14#/9ft.)
50 Shoulder to OH (115#/85#)
50 Box Jumps (24/20)

Week 4: Qualifier Workout 15.4

2015 is truly the year of the muscle ups. We first saw them in The Open a few short months back, and thus, Granite Games' programming has followed suit. This workout incorporates the best of both worlds: gymnastics and strength. With a deadlift ladder of increasing weight, you better be man (and woman) enough to lift this heavy shit, while agile enough to jump on the rings immediately after, and get gymnasty with 5 muscle ups. The real kicker? A max-muscle-up sprint to the finish! It looks as though the gymnasts will separate themselves from the pack in this one, so you better get your mind right and pull out your inner Gabby Douglas. 

Video By: The Granite Games

13 Minutes:

10 Deadlifts (225/155)
5 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Deadlifts (255/175)
5 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Deadlifts (285/195)
5 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Deadlifts (315/215)
5 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Deadlifts (345/235)
5 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Deadlifts (375/255)
5 Ring Muscle Ups

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