2016 Reebok CrossFit Games Meridian Regionals

Meridian Recap: Day 2

Meridian Recap: Day 2

The first of three Regionals in the final weekend to come to a close tomorrow. What do you need to know from day 2? Meridian Team Leaderboard Remains Unshak

May 28, 2016 by Paige Bayer
Meridian Recap: Day 2
The first of three Regionals in the final weekend to come to a close tomorrow. What do you need to know from day 2?

Meridian Team Leaderboard Remains Unshaken

Nordic OPEX has yet to relinquish their spot atop the leaderboard and CrossFit YAS continues to climb.


Engine Like Briggs

The top 5 women in the Meridian are pulling away from the pack but it was Sam Briggs that really turned it on today.


Gudmundsson Shows First Sign Of Weakness

Karl Gudmundsson showed his first sign of weakness this weekend when he took 17th on the Event 4 power clean/pistol couplet.




  1. Nordic OPEX
  2. CrossFit Yas
  3. Team Crossfit Copenhagen 1
  4. CrossFit Solid
  5. CFXY


  1. Ragnheiður Sara Sigmundsdottir
  2. Annie Thorisdottir
  3. Samantha Briggs
  4. Thuridur Erla Helgadottir
  5. Kristin Holte


  1. Björgvin Karl Guðmundsson
  2. Andrea Barbotti
  3. Jonne Koski
  4. Lukas Esslinger
  5. Lukas Högberg

Photo Credit: Wodapalooza (J.S. Photography)